There’s a lot going wrong with this country.
Apathy and ambivalence afflict most Americans, particularly as it relates to politics. The 2024 “season” is shaping up to be a beauty of a passive-aggressive campaign where nothing of any substance occurs.
In 1993, Denis Leary shone a light on the problem in his standup routine No Cure for Cancer. We vote for the people who we think will save us. They are generally worse than we want them to be.
If we get it wrong, hey, let the “world” fix the rest of it.
That's what's wrong with this country. We always shoot the wrong guys. We shoot JFK, we shoot RFK, and it comes to Teddy, we go, "Ahh, leave him alone. He'll f*** it up himself, no problem. You know?"
Biggest target in the whole ... Kennedy family. He weighs about seven thousand pounds. You could shoot a bullet in Los Angeles and hit him in the ass in Boston five minutes later. He'd be standing on the lawn at the Kennedy compound going, "Ah Ah Ah Ah There's a bullet in my ass. Ah Ah ah ah."
Ted Kennedy. Good senator, but a bad date. You know what I'm saying, folks?
In 1979, even Chilean strongman and 29th President of Chile, Augusto Pinochet, was worried about an insurgent Ted Kennedy campaign for the 1980 election. “If Senator Kennedy is elected President of the United States, the government of Chile will take the necessary measures.”
If I were old enough, I would have loved to take necessary measures myself.
Yet, I have this lingering idea that, say, if the good Chilean general offered some free helicopter rides for members of a Teddy Kennedy cabinet, that would have been something. For sure.
Alas, we can’t have nice things.
Nowadays, I would love to say that I disavow politics. Once upon a time, I did say that. I don’t think I ever really believed it, though.
But now that we have another Kennedy running for president, I may seriously reconsider my reconsideration. Good grief!
Everything is political in some way or form. My disdain for the Kennedys, for instance. I even buck my family heritage—Boston Irish Catholic—which dictates that I should fawn all over these people.
This leads me to my theory on the Kennedy Assassination, which I may have opined on previously in these pages. Either way, here goes:
I don’t care.
I could pick nits in everyone’s argument. I’ve read a bunch of the so-called literature around it. I just don’t care.
It bothered me that Ron Paul took a stance on it in his interview with Tucker the other day. One of the few quibbles I have with the great doctor.
Did “the CIA” kill Kennedy? No.
A nutcase named Lee Harvey did.
But, of course, feel free to disagree, I am not offended. Occam’s Razor does not always tell you the truth, after all.
I don’t care enough to go through this charade of whodunnit for another lifetime. Kennedy wasn’t that impressive of a guy to get so worked up over. Nor have any of his family members been.
What I do care about is getting folks on the right track.
Now, I’m not a strong advocate of the “First Amendment” or any of the so-called "Bill of Rights.” Frankly, clinging to such flimsy parchment promises have done more harm than good over the near two-and-a-half century run of this republic.
But I do believe as members of the human species, we should be allowed to think. At minimum. “Speech,” so-called is an odd “right” to worry so much about.
Far from being an echo chamber or cheerleading den, our new program, the Inner Sphere, aims to make better people by:
Helping them get “unstuck.”
Providing a forum to ask and receive feedback for ideas.
Encouraging action. Massive action.
One of the founding principles of our group is that we are positive, self-motivated, and proactive people with a desire to help others accomplish their goals.
Many people are asking me lately, what exactly is this Inner Sphere you’ve been talking about?
The easiest answer is that it is a virtual mastermind where we help each other achieve things that they may never have thought possible.
I’ve been leading similar groups for a while now and I want to move in a slightly different direction with more powerful results. It requires serious people.
Recall Billy Ocean: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
If you’re sick of the Kennedys and the government in general, we’ll get you on the right track, as we simultaneously steer clear of politics in our discussions.
No need for distractions.
And… keep in mind the words of the Sage of Baltimore, H. L. Mencken,
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.
Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it.
And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.
Join us.
As always,
P.S. – “It’s not over yet, Lee Harvey!”