The Brian D. O’Leary Show
December 4, 2023
Matthew Sercely has been a licensed attorney since 2009, and in 2020 he founded his own company to provide tax advice and planning for small businesses.
He is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and side-hustlers by setting up their businesses to legally avoid as much tax as possible.
While he exclusively works with those who have or are starting businesses, Matthew’s weekly newsletter offers general advice that anyone can use.
When he's not screwing with the government, Matthew enjoys camping, weightlifting, and gaming.
For Matthew’s free report on over 60 Business Expense Ideas (and a few personal deductions as well), go to
Topics discussed:
1031 Exchange
According to Investopedia, a 1031 Exchange is a swap of one real estate investment property for another that allows capital gains taxes to be deferred.
The wiki defines agorism as the practice of counter-economics and the ideas associated with that practice. Agorist ideas assert that Libertarian philosophy occurs in practice, in the real world, as Counter-Economics. It was first proposed by libertarian philosopher Samuel Edward Konkin III in 1975.
The Agora program at Boston College we mentioned is now apparently retired:
On the Natural Order Podcast, we give listeners a primer on libertarianism in episode 1 of the show.
The Substack page for that show:
Austrian Economics
Also on the Natural Order Podcast, we dedicate a show for our listeners to learn the basics of the Austrian school of economics.
You can find the Substack version here:
Adam Martin – Texas Tech University
Adam Martin is Political Economy Research Fellow at the Free Market Institute and Associate Professor of acgricultural and applied economics in the Gordon W. Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources at Texas Tech University.
Kelo vs. City of New London (Supreme Court Case)
Read about it on Wikipedia. It is depressing and criminal.
Go Whalers!
Eminent domain in Tennessee
Many such cases…
Is taxation theft?
Theft (Wikipedia) the act of taking another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
Robbery (Wikipedia) the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, threat of force, or by use of fear.
Extortion (Wikipedia) the practice of obtaining benefit (e.g., money or goods) through coercion.
Probably (Wiktionary) In all likelihood.
The Tom Woods Show
Episode 2175 Taxes and How to Minimize Them (Matthew Sercely)
The Lew Rockwell Show
Universities mentioned:
More resources:
Matthew Sercely on LinkedIn
Sercely on 𝕏-Twitter
For your free report on ideas for over 60 Business Expense Ideas and a few personal deductions:
Tom Woods School of Life
Brian O’Leary on 𝕏-Twitter
Listen and support us at the same time over at Fountain.FM
For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
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