News that Olivia Newton-John died hit my inbox all afternoon.
In the early days of the Sportlanders franchise—which has now largely been subsumed at least on a daily basis by this newsletter—we told you a tale of intrigue involving the late actress. We mentioned Olivia quite a bit for a few episode stretch there.
Some people liked our coverage of ONJ back in 2020. We also got some eyerolls … “more ONJ????”
Coincidentally, I have also been working on a long post for all our paid subscribers and my task to flesh-out that story we first introduced on Episode 15 of Sportlanders the Podcast. Expect that this week.
We went more in-depth on Episode 16.
Click the image and it will bring you to the Show Notes page for each.
There is way more to the ONJ story than I ever got to during the podcasts. Again, look for that fully-realized version in your inbox sometime in the next several days.
I really liked listening back to the podcasts, too, by the way. I am technically the host, but Tim Stout carries the shows.
Glory days.
I forgot how crazy the “covid days” were and am proud about how we made “lemonade” out of all of it.
We had baseball, basketball, and football to talk about at the same time in September. Nice if it were true in normal times. Strange during those days.
Going back through the Show Notes, it looks like Vin Scully had just taken to Twitter around that time. Again, R.I.P. Vin.
Hopefully Twitter didn’t kill him.
I am planning to have more on the double-edged sword that is the Twitterverse later this week. “A fire to heat your home or burn it down,” as one of our subscribers wrote to me earlier.
Listening back to these shows and having rebooted/reimagined my podcast career, I am excited to keep going. We have a bunch of good things lined up.
Once again, R.I.P. Olivia.
Meanwhile, over at O’Leary Beef—where our mission is to source the best beef in the world for our customers—we have a deal for Sausage Slammers for you (and, granted, these are primarily a pork product but the Original Beef Sausage is the best you’ll find).
We’re just getting up on our feet over at O’Leary Beef but we have a great partner in sausages and brisket in Southside Market and Barbecue out of Elgin, Texas. Southside ships Authentic Texas Barbecue right to your doorstep.
The last couple of weeks I’ve had a few videos expressing my love for these morsels—Sausage Slammers.
Part 1:
Part 2:
What are Sausage Slammers after all? Watch the video, but if you choose not to:
Sausage Slammers start with a fresh jalapeño half filled with real cheddar cheese. We then wrap each one in our house-made pork sausage and roll the whole thing up in bacon. Smoked low and slow over real Texas post oak wood, our Sausage Slammers are flavorful enough to be the main course or slice them to serve as an unforgettable appetizer!
Gluten Free. No MSG.
Each Package includes 3 Sausage Slammers. Cooked weight: Approx. 4.5 oz. ea.
Sausage Slammers are available from 8/8-8/14 for Six Dollars ! ! ! as an add-on item to any persishable goods order. Normally twenty bones per pack.
Go to:
Southside Market has exceptional sausage and smoked meat products that follow the same authentic methods from the founder, William Moon, which consists of smoking low and slow over real Texas post oak wood. Their well-loved beef sausage, sausage slammers, and signature Elgin Hot Sausage have quickly grown from an Austin staple to dinner tables around the country. #SouthsideSausageReview #ad
Happy eating.
Brian O’Leary