I think we all desire to be “independent” in one shape or form. I’ll wait for you to tell me when you have a definite answer on that “shape” or that “form.”
I don’t know how it is all supposed to work out, but I have stumbled upon the stark reality that I need to be a little more “independent” from the mainstream than the average bear.
I write newsletters and do the podcast (that’s currently on hiatus). It’s going okay.
Is it the answer for me? Time will tell.
I know it ain’t the answer for everyone.
An opinion columnist I rather enjoy wrote something like this a few months back, before the reality set in that our economy really did hit the skids in a bad way:
“We can’t have an economy where people are just podcasting to each other.”
I don’t know if that was the exact quote, but, NO DUH!
Yet, it is all too rich coming from a person who is paid to give his opinion and makes a living doing it. He does it in print. Not much different.
Economies can’t run on the fuel of opinion journalists either.
The idea—or at least the sane and rational one—is that you earn your keep at whatever you do based on the value you provide.
I would love to make a living writing or podcasting to all the good folks out there.
However, I am not so delusional that my magic words will bring me magic money.
At this point, I have humble—but concrete—expectations.
What I hope to accomplish with our content is:
To bring joy to people.
To occasionally get people thinking of things in ways they may not have considered before.
For me to focus on the process and not some amorphous concept of success.
To keep moving forward.
In other words, keep writing quality content for our readers.
Simple concept. Hard to execute at times.
External factors act upon us all the time.
Are we in “unprecedented times” as many in the American public are wont to say since the bohica crisis begun in early 2020?
Consider, however. If we really take this notion to heart, then every second of human life is unprecedented.
The point?
Life is not easy. Never has been.
It is different for every generation of humans who are fortunate enough to grace this planet.
Everyone faces adversity on a regular basis. It how we face up to this adversity that is oftentimes the most significant test of our own self-worth.
We fail sometimes when we attempt to face up to the adversity in our lives. Not a shocking piece of wisdom from Yours Cranky, but ain’t it the truth?
Maybe I watched too many Rocky movies as a kid.
Against his first fight with Creed, Rocky gets his nose broken and then gets knocked down late in the match only to come back in a fury, breaking Apollo’s ribs in the 14th, and continue to thrash on Apollo in the 15th and final round.
Rocky didn’t even win the match. It was a split-decision and Creed kept his belt.
Keep moving forward. That’s the example of Rocky Balboa.
Point being…we can’t have a world full of podcasters any more than we can have a world full of writers or a world full of carpenters or mechanics or boxers or a world full of any type of specialist.
It is the division of labor that drives the economy.
As for me, my labor and time is devoted to projects that I hope will help me manage our family through these “unprecedented times” of chaos and uncertainty.
As for this newsletter (and the podcasts we do), the purpose is to make an already hard life a bit easier for all our good folks.
That’s it.
We’ll let the chips fall where they may after that.
All I ask of today is to tell a friend or two about us.
Stay tuned at Substack. We’re busting our hump to make it something you want to read every day.
Yours in Independence,
Brian O’Leary