The late columnist Joe Sobran once pointed out,
"Life always seems hopelessly complex to people who have no principles."
Makes sense. We exist in a culture where propaganda is championed over principles. Look no further than the Democrat-Media Complex simping for Ice Cream Joe over the last 4 years.
Biden never lies, the establishment media tells us. Instead, we hear the old chestnut, "Biden misled us."
"Simping" things down is plain silly, as we relayed in yesterday's email.
Furthermore, simple is not always better. Those who lack principles crave simplicity. They have a deluded belief that "simplicity is the key."
Their thought patterns evolve. It becomes self-explanatory that life does indeed seem "hopelessly complex," particularly when the ability to use the lowest common denominator is unavailable.
How, then, do these beliefs "evolve?"
"These are the facts," they say to a child.
"They" are the parents, teachers, coaches, relatives, media, and other people of influence.
As a mere function of his nature, the child accepts these fuzzy notions about what is fact, even if his elders and supposed betters are completely wrong.
With acceptance comes belief.
These so-called "facts" become ingrained in the child's subconscious. He develops patterns, habits, and behaviors around such conceptions.
Once the child reaches adulthood, he begins to operate under dozens of faulty beliefs and he exhibits countless poor habits. Unfortunately, he is never consciously aware of any of it.
This false and limiting belief structure leads him -- unconsciously -- to establish invisible boundaries in and for his life.
The ensuing dysfunction evolves generationally.
The challenge at hand: stop this "evolution" in its tracks.
We are called to obliterate this destructive system for the benefit of ourselves and for our posterity.
Firm principles and steadfast courage are necessary.
As always,
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