We talked about Don Lemon a little bit on yesterday’s show. No need to bring him up again, but…
‘Twas a long day in Podcast Land today ... which in this case means I didn't get a chance to record our daily show today.
Yesterday, however, we released the third episode of the Natural Order Podcast where we talk about Austrian Economics.
Look forward to new episodes of Natural Order on Thursdays, going forward. We're still aiming for 5 days a week at The Brian D. O'Leary Show.
We appreciate all the support for our (now catalog of) shows. I'm constantly amazed about where our fans are coming from and appreciate all the words of support for what we're doing on all of our platforms.
I also appreciate people checking in on me to see if something is wrong when a show does not appear in their feed. Short answer is no, nothing is wrong, just busy.
Like making websites busy...
Our latest show has it has its own entire web page.
As always,